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Love the ambience wow!!! Super impressive you did this much in a week

Had a really great time playing this! It has some jank in the best possible way. Worrying about items getting stuck on walls as I sprint through the level. Laughing as I throw items off the map in an attempt to save time. Realizing the timer started during the opening dialogue. Good stuff.

I straight up couldnt figure out a way to start the timer once dialogue was done so I just added a line about "oh yeah the timer is already running lol", learning to work around my limitations was probably the best lesson I learned in this jam

This is so good! And it's your first project?? That's wild.

Really loved the vibe, the dialogue, and the simple gameplay premise that's really easy to understand. Also I don't know if it was intentional or not, but I like how you had to be careful while running around carrying something because it could get stuck on a wall, it made me more cognizant of how I was carrying things, almost like in real life.

This rocks. The movement feels brilliant and it's really fun weaving around the map. And it just looks gorgeous.

This game has a super cool aesthetic! The homunculi scared me LOL